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Community Care Durham celebrates Community Support Month

Community Care Durham celebrates Community Support Month

October is Community Support Month, and throughout the month, Community Care Durham (CCD) will celebrate our hard-working staff and volunteers while providing information about our vital programs and services.

Last year, CCD provided community support services to 8,217 registered clients. Those services included Meals on Wheels, Adult Day Program, COPE Mental Health, Community Food Box, Community Nursing, Assisted Living, and Supportive Housing, to name a few.

“Those supports our CCD staff and volunteers provide allow clients to live independently and safely in their homes,” James Meloche, CCD’s CEO, said. “We help our clients and their care partners when they need a break.”

Providing the support that allows clients to live in their own homes for as long as possible benefits them and the health care system.

“We are providing the care, the food, and activities that help our clients maintain their health, reducing the needs of our hospital system,” Meloche said.

As Ontario’s population ages, community support services will become even more critical.

Last year, CCD provided 39,056 hours of Adult Day Programming, including in-person and virtual attendance. We also had more than 13,665 clients attend COPE Mental Health sessions. From a food security perspective, we delivered 93,492 meals to clients, including hot and frozen Meals on Wheels and Community Food Boxes.

The hours of care provided for Assisted Living and Supportive housing services are equally impressive. Combined, our clients received 68,091 hours of care.

“I always marvel at those numbers,” Meloche said. “It’s impressive how many hours our PSWs, staff, and volunteers work to comfort our clients.”

During Community Support Month, our Adult Day Programs at all four hubs will celebrate with a Spirit and Appreciation Week by having “Day Programs Help Us Bloom and Grow” events. October 16, participants will wear crazy shoes and socks for Walking The Garden Path Day; October 17, everyone will wear beach clothes or rain gear to celebrate Watering the Garden Day; October 18, sunglasses will help participants as they have fun with a Spreading the Sunshine Day, October 19 will be a colourful day as celebrations occur for Rainbow Over the Garden Day, and to wrap up on October 20, flowery attire will be the clothing choice of the day as the Day Program celebrates The Garden is Growing Day. There are currently staffing and volunteer opportunities available for anyone looking to help. For a list of career opportunities, visit:

There’s also a volunteer application that can be completed for those who are interested in helping for a few hours a week or a few hours a month. If you’re interested in volunteering visit:

For more information about volunteering or staff positions, call 1-888-255-6680.

CCD and other agencies across the province will be recognizing their staff and volunteers over a series of special days and weeks in October:

We are proud to celebrate the following programs during Community Support Month:

  • October 2-6 Meals on Wheels Week
  • October 4 Congregate Dining Day
  • October 6 Supportive Housing/Assisted Living Day
  • October 9-13 Community Care Worker Week
  • October 10 Friendly Visiting/Telephone Reassurance Day
  • October 11 Respite Services Day
  • October 13 Client Intervention and Assistance (CIA) Day
  • October 16-20 Adult Day Program Week
  • October 23 Transportation Services Day
  • October 24 Attendant Services Day


Media Contact:

Ian McMillan, Communications Specialist
Community Care Durham
Phone: 905-430-1863