For other ways to donate, please see below.
Donate Today!
Make your donation online through Canada Helps – a safe, easy and secure way to give money – to support our fundraising events, or where it is needed the most.
DonateCommunity Care Durham (CCD) is a registered charitable organization. Each year, we are privileged to assist more than 12,000 clients and their caregivers to live healthier, independent lives at home.
A Community of Giving
We depend on the generous support of donors to help us. While many of our services are supported by the Ministry of Health, much of our work is only possible because of corporate and individual donors like you. Your donation, no matter how big or small, will make a difference to someone in your community.
What Difference Can I Make?
Every single donation provides assistance to clients and caregivers who count on to Community Care Durham for support to help them live independently in their own homes.
Here are some examples of how your donations have helped make a difference this year:
Community Care Durham is a registered not-for-profit charitable organization. Our Registration number is #11888 9955 RR0001

How Can I Make a Donation?
1) By cheque
Cheques can be dropped off or mailed to your local Community Care Durham office or to our General Administration office located at: Attention: Laurie Yates, Accounts Receivable Coordinator
Community Care Durham
20 Sunray Street, Unit #1
Whitby, Ontario L1N 8Y3
2) Online by Canada Helps
You can also make your donation online through Canada Helps – a safe, easy and secure way to give money – to support our fundraising events, or where it is needed the most.
3) By Phone
If you would prefer to talk to someone at Community Care Durham to make your donation, please call Laurie Yates, Accounts Receivable Coordinator at 905-668-6223 ext. 264 and she would be pleased to assist you.
One-Time Donation
Consider making a one-time gift of any size. We appreciate any amount and all donations assist us in providing help to our clients – your neighbours.
Monthly Donations
We can work with you to set up automatic monthly donations of any size. Just tell us how much you wish to donate each month, and for how long, and we will make it happen. Just think, for the cost of a cup of coffee each day, you could provide seven delicious Meals on Wheels frozen entrees for a senior every month.
In Memory/Tribute
A donation in memory of someone is a special way to show your sympathy for the loss of a loved one or a departed member of another family or friend. It is also a wonderful way to pay tribute to someone special or acknowledge a special occasion such as a milestone birthday or an anniversary.
Corporate Donations or Sponsorships
Donations and sponsorships from local businesses and corporations provide an opportunity for support of our services, special events and other initiatives. Sponsorships provide for increased public visibility and offer a great opportunity to be associated with Community Care Durham – a recognized and essential agency supporting more than 12,000 clients throughout Durham Region.
Bequests – A Gift For The Future
The most common way to donate in the future is in the form of a Bequest, which is a gift from your estate, made through your will. There can be estate and tax planning benefits such as tax deductions, capital gains/estate tax reductions when you do a bequest to charitable organizations such as Community Care Durham.